Building your dreams



The page belongs to the company COPROGEN SA, guarantees the protection of fundamental rights such as Habeas Data, privacy, intimacy, good name, and the image of people; in such a way that the actions will be governed by principles of freedom, good faith, legality, finality, truthfulness or quality, access and restricted circulation, security, confidentiality and transparency, as well as those considered by the Constitutional Court in judgment C-748-11 .


Regulatory framework.

• Law 1581 of 2012,

• Regulatory decree 1377 of 2013


In compliance with Article 9 of the aforementioned Law, a box was incorporated on the page through which the client declares and consents to supply personal data and continue to process the information existing in our databases. We will be responsible and responsible for the treatment and / or storage.


Clients who subscribe, register and / or provide personal data on the web portal, through a mobile mechanism, social networks and / or by email, will be those essential for the purpose described so that they receive timely advertising and / or commercial information. ; In addition, they may be contacted, via e-mail, telephone or by correspondence, on behalf of COPROGEN S.A and / or Banks or financial entities that by agreement are our allies.


In this sense, personal data will be processed, that is, processed, collected, stored, used, circulated, deleted, shared, updated, transmitted and / or transferred for the purpose stated above.


In accordance with the provisions of Decree 1377 of 2013, the holders at any time, under the assumptions enshrined in Law 1581 of 2012, as well as in judgment C-748 of 2011, may exercise their rights of knowledge, access, rectification , update, revocation and deletion of your personal data, or, that they consider that THE COMPANY of a use contrary to the authorized and applicable laws; There are several alternatives to make this right effective, since it can be exercised by sending a request by email to or by filing a letter in the physical medium addressed directly to the company; in both cases, it must be clear in the sense of your request, you must demonstrate in what condition it acts and attach the supports or documents that it intends to assert.

The terms to resolve such requests will be those established in the Code of Administrative Procedure and Administrative Litigation regarding the right of petition.


The information processing policies are electronically available at all times at under the option called: Terms and Conditions: "Information Processing and Data Protection Policies".


All of the above, to comply with the provisions of numerals 1, 2 and 4 of article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2013.


This manual is effective as of May 20, 2020 and leaves without effect the regulations or special manuals that could have been adopted by administrative entities in THE COMPANY.